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Default Ignore the Snobs, Drink the Cheap, Delicious Wine

On Wed, 22 Mar 2017 09:45:54 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >

>On Wed, 22 Mar 2017 10:44:35 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>On 3/22/2017 10:34 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> They usta push Riunite On Ice. Or was it Freixenet? Either way, they
>>>> both sucked!
>>> You gotta know it is going to be great wine when it is being promoted to
>>> drink with ice. Freixenet ranks up there with Prosseco as a cheap
>>> substitute for champagne, and notice that I said a cheap substitute, not
>>> a good one. If I were ever to serve Mimosas I would be more likely to
>>> make them with Freixenet or some other cheap sparkling white. I see no
>>> point in using an expensive champagne to make a slightly alcoholic
>>> Orangina.

>>Riunite on ice. Nice! was the commercial.
>>I don't like carbonated drinks much but my wife wanted prosecco for some
>>reasonably important celebration. I could not find one priced over $12
>>compared to Champagne that could go well over $100 for the good stuff.

>are you talking about real Champagne or bubbly?

For my elder daughters wedding we served masses of Henckel Troken,
recommended to me by a Canadian wine taster of the year. Best tip we
ever had, nice price tag and to this day if I have to drink white wine
or champagne, that is what I will pick as my choice. He did
acknowledge a slight difference in flavour, ever so slight, between
that and Moet, but too slight for anyone to be able to tell the
difference after one glass.