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rosie[_1_] rosie[_1_] is offline
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Default Would you share a coffee grinder?

On Sunday, March 19, 2017 at 1:59:42 PM UTC-5, Jill McQuown wrote:
> I don't drink coffee anymore. When I did, I bought ground coffee.
> Brewed it at home. I've never ground my own coffee. Having said that,
> would the coffee afficionados here let a neighbor borrow their coffee
> grinder?
> Someone on Dataw is asking. They were "gifted" with a bag of coffee
> beans but they don't have a grinder. They're asking for the use of one.
> What say you folks who do grind your own coffee. Would you let a
> neighbor (in this case someone you probably don't know well) use yo
> coffee grinder? Just curious.
> Jill

Would I lend my coffee grinder to someone? Sure, I would ask them to please grind nothing but Coffee, no spices. I use mine every day, so if I lent it to someone they would have to grind the whole pound and return it to me the same day. It does not take but a couple of minutes to grind a pound of coffee.