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Roy[_4_] Roy[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 782
Default Would you share a coffee grinder?

On Friday, March 24, 2017 at 12:50:50 PM UTC-6, Cheri wrote:
> "sf" > wrote in message
> ...
> > If you're that cheap and unimaginative, take your beans to the grocery
> > store and use their grinder.

> LOL, speaking of cheap I saw a first today. A man was in front of me at the
> store and had several small items, then he decided that he needed to go back
> and get two apples which he did, the kicker was he brought back several of
> the plastic veggie/fruit bags with them to put his other groceries in. He
> did not want to spend the 10 cents for the bags apparently.
> Cheri


Good for him. These retailers who want to charge for bags are trying to make
people feel guilty about polluting the environment with nom-sustainable
garbage BUT they don't mind if you bring bags from some other source.
Bloody Hippocrates.
One of our drugstores is now charging 5 cents for a little plastic bag about
6 inches square. All it does is anger people and causes resentment.
Paper bags are sustainable and break down readily but the merchants won't go
back to them...nitwits all.