Would you share a coffee grinder?
On 3/24/2017 3:06 PM, Roy wrote:
> Good for him. These retailers who want to charge for bags are trying to make
> people feel guilty about polluting the environment with nom-sustainable
> garbage BUT they don't mind if you bring bags from some other source.
> Bloody Hippocrates.
> One of our drugstores is now charging 5 cents for a little plastic bag about
> 6 inches square. All it does is anger people and causes resentment.
> Paper bags are sustainable and break down readily but the merchants won't go
> back to them...nitwits all.
> ===
Check into it more In some states it is the government mandate to
charge for the bags, not the store.
Studies of landfills shows the paper does not break down like people
think. Newspapers buried with trash were dug up and perfectly readable
after 40 years. Both the paper and plastic bags can be recycled if
people would do so. Consumer apathy is the problem. Plastic bags are
also good in trash-to-energy plants as a pound of bags is 18,000n Btu of
heat energy.
One not so perfect solution is reusable bags. Periodically the store
really promote the use of them.