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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Would you share a coffee grinder?

On 2017-03-24 3:33 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:

> One not so perfect solution is reusable bags. Periodically the store
> really promote the use of them.

Indeed. They are not the perfect solution because they have a limited
life and they too will end up in the landfill and take just as long to
decompose. I am not sure how far ahead we are using them. You have to
consider the amount of long lasting material there is in one reusable
bag compared to the number of bags it replaces. One benefit of the
reusable bags is that you can get 5-6 times as much into one, making it
easier to carry more stuff out to the car and into the house, provided
that you have the physical strength to carry the heavier bags. I am a
big guy and in good enough shape to carry 5-6 large bags with handles,
so I can carry a week's grocery's into the house in one trip.