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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Anyone cooking today?

"l not -l" wrote in message ...

On 25-Mar-2017, "Ophelia" > wrote:

> It would be lovely to see some posts about food.

The day is just starting here; the only meal I know with certainty this
early is breakfast. I'll be having a Western omelet; diced ham,onion, bell
pepper and a bit of cheese in a folded omelet. A side of hash browns made
of shredded potatoes, not diced. Cranberry juice cocktail (sucralose
sweetened) to get my morning jolt of vitamin C and enough black coffee to
prepare all the above without doing myself harm with knife or heat 88-)
See, it's so early, I'm bleary-eyed.


Not too early to be making a delicious sounding breakfast)

Mind you, that sounds enough for a dinner for me)
