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Default Would you share a coffee grinder?

On Sat, 25 Mar 2017 03:56:24 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

>On Friday, March 24, 2017 at 3:12:58 PM UTC-4, Sheldon wrote:
>> Bruce wrote:
>> >
>> >"Somebody gave me a $10 bag of coffee beans. I'll quickly buy a $20
>> >grinder so I can have me some coffee! Am I a lucky ******* or what?"

>> $10 worth of mediocre coffee beans weighs like 2 pounds tops, not
>> enough to make it worth buying a coffee grinder. Where does one buy a
>> coffee grinder for $20... the lowest priced coffee grinders cost over
>> $100.... can hardly buy a decent peppercorn grinder for $20.
>> Anyway since you asked I'd say you're much more of a stupid *******.
>> LOL

>I know you're going to nitpick over the meaning of the word "grind".
>However, here's the cheapest electric blade coffee mill that I found
>on Amazon:

Naming those thingies grinders is a misnomer, they do NOT grind...
they are more a mini food processor.
>A conical burr mill can be had for less than $100. Here's a very inexpensive

That's a cheapo pepper mill.... there are far better versions of
Turkish coffee mills that make excellent pepper mills

>Here's a halfway decent electric one:
>Obviously, coffee snobs wouldn't settle for any of these.

Those kind work okay when new but from the reviews I've read in the
past and from my own experience they don't last long. I've owned
several coffee grinders, none of those under a few hundred dollars
equal the commercial grinders found at markets... they gind
inconsistantly, clog easily, build up a static charge which makes for
great messiness, and none last long. I used to grind (and roast) my
own coffee beans but for the past few years I've been using Walmart
brand (Best Value) ground coffee and have found it produces better
tasting coffee consistantly than any others... yes I was once one of
those coffee snobs but I've come to my senses.
This is excellent coffee:
I like their dark roast too:
In 1970 I started my own coffee business, this was before there were
ADCs for the home. I bought Bunn ADCs, only sold to commercial
operations, and set them up at various businesses; banks, beauty
parlors, office spaces, etc. It was a very lucreyive business, I
actually netted more profit selling Solo cups. I had to attend the
Coffee College for a week sponsored by Continental Coffee in Chicago
so I know a little something about coffee... the most important
element for brewing good coffee is the water.
Read the reviews.
I buy it at the store.