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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Would you share a coffee grinder?

On 2017-03-25 2:00 PM, wrote:

> Those kind work okay when new but from the reviews I've read in the
> past and from my own experience they don't last long. I've owned
> several coffee grinders, none of those under a few hundred dollars
> equal the commercial grinders found at markets... they gind
> inconsistantly, clog easily, build up a static charge which makes for
> great messiness, and none last long. I used to grind (and roast) my
> own coffee beans but for the past few years I've been using Walmart
> brand (Best Value) ground coffee and have found it produces better
> tasting coffee consistantly than any others... yes I was once one of
> those coffee snobs but I've come to my senses.

Let me get this straight. You had such exquisite taste in coffee that
cheap grinders were not good enough to satisfy your great taste.... and
now you prefer Walmart's coffee???? That's a good one.