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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Would you share a coffee grinder?

On 2017-03-25 3:03 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:

> IME, after laundering canvas bags (no bleach), they become as limp as a
> rag and begin to deteriorate more quickly afterwards. Unless it
> becomes absolutely necessary, I won't wash them.

Around here they charge for plastic bags, but most places have special
bags for meats to stop the dripping and contamination and they don't
charge for them.

One problem with re-usable bags is that sometimes we don't do good job
of unpacking and something small gets left in a bag. The bags get taken
back out to the car, taken into a store and, in the midst of packing we
find the forgotten object and it looks like we are trying to steal it.