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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Anyone cooking today?

In article >, says...
> Subject: Anyone cooking today?
> From: l not -l >
> Newsgroups:
> On 25-Mar-2017,
> > Tinned sardines usta be poor peep's food, now The Donald hasta think
> > about layin' down the gelt, four sheckles for a mouthful of guppys.

> I regularly buy 3.75 ounce tins of sardines for $1 to $1.29 each. Seems
> like every couple of weeks our dominate supermarket chain has sardines 10
> cans for $10; but, you don't have to buy 10. I bought 6 cans yesterday for
> $1. That price applied to all four brands that they carry. I bough Beach
> Cliff brand because that is the brand with 6 cans of spring water packed,
> which is what my dog prefers.

I buy our dog's sardines in that size of can for 34 pence UK each,
that's 42 US cents. They're in tomato sauce, and half the price of the
ones in oil (which he would enjoy just as much) or brine (which I
wouldn't give him). That smkt (ASDA owned by Walmart) doesn't have them
in spring water. Dogs love sardines and they're really good for their
skin, coat and joints.

The sardines are from "East central Atlantic".

I like mashed sardines on buttered toast but prefer the ones in olive
oil. With a squeeze of lemon juice.

Janet UK