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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Anyone cooking today?

On 3/26/2017 8:51 AM, Janet wrote:
> A beef carcase can provide plenty of roasts and steaks, but only one
> tail and two kidneys...demand pushes up the price.
> Janet UK

For *years* I've wanted to make a steak & kidney pie. I cannot find
beef kidneys anywhere. Not even at the independent meat market which
just happens to be co-owned by a British woman. She told me she simply
can't get them, not even lamb kidneys. So, no steak & kidney pie for me.

Fortunately I can find "ox tails" but yes, the price is exhorbitant. I
had to laugh a couple of years ago while talking with a neighbor. I
mentioned I was making ox tail soup. He had no idea what it was. Then
again, he doesn't cook. When I told him ox tails are, essentially, the
beefy part of a cow's tail he cringed. LOL
