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Default Oxtail brawn

On Sun, 26 Mar 2017 21:45:08 -0600, graham > wrote:

>On 2017-03-26 6:57 PM, Roy wrote:
>> On Sunday, March 26, 2017 at 6:42:18 PM UTC-6, graham wrote:
>>> On 2017-03-26 4:58 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>> On 2017-03-26 6:26 PM, wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 26 Mar 2017 13:42:09 -0600, graham > wrote:
>>>>>> On 2017-03-26 12:10 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>>>>>>> Oxtail brawn is also good. I.e., like a pork/head cheese but made with
>>>>>>>> oxtails.
>>>>>>>> Graham
>>>>>>> I've never seen or heard of that. I've only seen head cheese
>>>>>>> Janet US
>>>>>> Here's a recipe for Suffolk* Oxtail Brawn.
>>>>>> *The county in England from where I originate.
>>>>>> Graham
>>>>> We lived a couple of years at Shotley Gate, outside of Ipswich. I
>>>>> never heard of doing a brawn - love oxtail stew and it does set very
>>>>> easily when cold, so can see a brawn. I don't know about your way but
>>>>> the price of oxtails has escalated here, what used to be 3 or 4 joints
>>>>> in a pack for a couple of dollars, is now six or seven argggh
>>>> $6-7 for a pack of 3-4? Around here it is more often more like $10-12.
>>>> There is not way I am spending that much on something that is 50% bone,
>>>> 25% fat and 25% meat and then spend a lot of time preparing it and
>>>> adding extra ingredients when I can pay the same amount and get a steak
>>>> that is almost all meat.
>>> It has always amazed me that packs of stewing beef always have such a
>>> high price on them. I suppose it's because they are 100% lean. However,
>>> it's obviously shin beef, the toughest cut that should always be the
>>> cheapest!

>> Two weeks ago Co-op had stew meat from the sirloin tip and is was marked as such.
>> It was excellent. I should have bought more.
>> Often I will buy boneless round roasts when on sale. Easy to cut up and
>> excellent for stewing. I was a meat cutter at one time and that helps a lot
>> in selecting meat.
>> ====

>I would buy round for stew, not that I make it very often as i live
>alone. When the boys were at home, i used to buy blade for braising and
>stews but although they "vacuumed" it up, I never liked the flavour.
>My mother always made stews with shin beef. In fact she added it to her
>pork cheese for extra oomph!
>Which Co-Op?

I find stew good value, I don't think it is possible to make a small
quantity of stew that will taste good so I make what I used to make
then freeze 9/10ths of it - and it freezes well - giving myself ready
made meals for quite some time