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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Sales Tax on Food (WAS: Anyone cooking today?)

On 3/27/2017 8:30 PM, wrote:
> Tax on food????

Yep. Some states tax food. Tennessee did when I lived there, at a
whopping 9.25%. I believe they've lowered it for food since, but not
eliminated it.

My mother, being a military wife and lifetime military dependent,
shopped at the commissary. No sales tax. When I got here she stopped
shopping but I couldn't go to the commissary. I had to shop at the
local supermarkets. She said "They'll charge tax!" Even she didn't
realize, and it took me a long time to also realize, there is no sales
tax on food in SC.

But yes, there are some states that do charge sales tax on food. Here's
a link to 2017 info:
