"Cheri" wrote in message news
"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> On 3/27/2017 8:30 PM, wrote:
>>> So.... this week here, 3lbs ground beef and 10lbs chicken quarters
>>> all for only $10 plus tax.
>> Tax on food????
> Pretty sleazy to tax it IMO, but some do.
> States that tax groceries (rate if not fully taxed): Alabama, Arkansas
> (3%), Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois (1%), Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri
> (1.225%), Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee (5.5%), Utah (1.75%), Virginia
> (1.5% + 1% local option tax), and West Virginia (5%).Jan 11, 2008
They tried a "snack tax" here in CA, but it didn't last long. Big surprise
that the lawmakers could never decide what was a snack food and what wasn't
so they did away with it. It was stupid in the first place.
When we buy something, the tax is included in the price. We never see
*price* + *tax*