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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Anyone cooking today?

On 2017-03-28 10:55 AM, wrote:

> In NY markets candy is taxed, but a chocolate cake from a bakery is
> not taxed, nor is ice cream, even those loaded with confections.

In Ontario I have to pay sales tax in a donut or a muffin, but if I buy
a half dozen or more there is no tax. There is no provincial tax on a
restaurant meal under $4 but there is a federal tax. If I go to the
corner bakery and get a coffee and a muffin there is a 5% federal tax
(GST) but no provincial tax and the total will be $3.80. If my wife is
with me and has the same, that puts it over $4 so I have to pay the
provincial and the federal and it is almost $1 extra in tax.

> wonder who decided that a candy bar should be taxed but not ice cream
> loaded with chopped up candy bars, however a Dove Bar and other
> individually wrapped ice creams are taxed as a confection. Just
> proves how politicians are arbitrary non-thinking pinheads.
> The lawyer I used for some thirty years on Long Island explained to me
> how attorneys who can't make in private practice, primarily due to
> possessing no people skills and common sense, become judges and
> politicians.