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Anyone cooking today?
On 2017-03-28 8:26 AM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Mar 2017 09:13:37 +0100, "Ophelia" >
> wrote:
>> "Cheri" wrote in message news
>> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 3/27/2017 8:30 PM, wrote:
>>>>> So.... this week here, 3lbs ground beef and 10lbs chicken quarters
>>>>> all for only $10 plus tax.
>>>> Tax on food????
>>> Pretty sleazy to tax it IMO, but some do.
>>> States that tax groceries (rate if not fully taxed): Alabama, Arkansas
>>> (3%), Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois (1%), Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri
>>> (1.225%), Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee (5.5%), Utah (1.75%), Virginia
>>> (1.5% + 1% local option tax), and West Virginia (5%).Jan 11, 2008
>> They tried a "snack tax" here in CA, but it didn't last long. Big surprise
>> that the lawmakers could never decide what was a snack food and what wasn't
>> so they did away with it. It was stupid in the first place.
>> Cheri
>> ================
>> When we buy something, the tax is included in the price. We never see
>> *price* + *tax*
> on your cash register receipt, everything you bought will be itemized
> and totaled and the tax will be applied to the total. When you see
> the price of an item on the shelf or the item itself, it does not say
> the tax amount.
> Janet US
When it first came in, the tax was added but so many places decided to
include it in the price that the legislation was emended.