Thread: Egg whites
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Egg whites

On 2017-03-30 7:55 AM, Janet wrote:
> In article >,

>>> I love a good meal! That's why I don't cook.

>> The merange (sp?) on a lemon pie uses only the whites.

> and the lemon filling in lemon meringue, uses the yolks.

I generally avoid making things that involve only yolks or only whites
unless I am also making something that will use the other component.
There is no problem with lemon meringue since both parts are being used.
I do have qualms about Galaktobouriko when I make it because the filling
calls for 6 yolks.

Now that my wife, the egg eater in the family, cannot eat the yolks I
can go ahead and make it and she can have egg white omelets. I have to
wonder about those egg white omelets. I have no intention of every
eating one because I always thought the yolk was the good part of the egg.