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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Chicken chili recipe?

On 3/30/2017 8:43 AM, Janet wrote:
> In article >, says...
>> tert in seattle wrote:
>>> Gary wrote:
>>>> KenK wrote:
>>>>>>> Anyone have one? Haven't found any I like with Google so far.
>>>>>>> TIA
>>>>>> what don't you like about them?
>>>>> Too complicated or stuff in them I'm not supposed to eat and can't think of
>>>>> substitute. Can't give details: looked too long ago & can't remember exact
>>>>> problem ingredients.
>>>> McDonald's is your culinary friend. Relax and enjoy. sheez!
>>>> For real though: If your area has Food Lion grocery stores,
>>>> try their can of 'hot dog chili'. It's store brand, very cheap,
>>>> and tastes fantastic on it own. It's vegetarian too if that's
>>>> your problem.
>>> ****en gary man...too much paint fumes

>> All this nutrition bs here is funny. I'm just trying to speak
>> realistically. Food need not be a problem or a chore. McDonald's is your
>> friend, just don't eat it all the time. I'm heading into old-age
>> territory now where I can claim that it hasn't killed me yet.

> You're so addicted to paint fumes, ferrets and McDonalds you don't
> even know you're mainlining shit.
> Janet UK

He doesn't bring up Mia much anymore, and I'm sure he wears a mask while
painting. But he certainly mentions McD's more than anyone I know, all
the while claiming to rarely eat there. Ken asked for a simple recipe
for chicken chili. Wish I had one to give him but I don't. I have
never liked chicken in any kind of chili.
