Thread: Egg whites
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Egg whites

On 3/30/2017 6:47 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2017-03-30 6:29 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 3/29/2017 9:29 AM, KenK wrote:
>>> When you see a recipe requiring one or more egg whites what do you do
>>> wuth
>>> the yolks? I've never seen a recipe using just egg yolks.
>>> TIA

>> People who bother to separate eggs freeze the yolks and have something
>> in mind for later use. (Custards and such.) If all you need is a
>> couple of egg whites you might do well to look for Egg Beaters or one of
>> those type products. No yolks there, even though they're tinted yellow.
>> They come in small cartons so you can measure out whatever would equal
>> the white of an egg or two. Just a thought, since I never cook anything
>> which only requires egg whites.

> When I tried to talk my wife into buying egg beaters to avoid wasting so
> many yolks I discovered that a container that holds the equivalent of a
> dozen eggs costs almost as much as a dozen eggs.

Oh, probably so. Decades ago (when Egg Beaters were fairly new on
the market) a doctor put my mother on a "low cholesterol" diet.* That
was back in the days when some studies about cholesterol thought eggs
and especially eggs with yolks were evil.

* Back then it was the same with pushing butter substitutes. This
doctor recommended Benecol or something like that. To allegedly lower
her cholesterol levels. She bought something that was a butter spread
substitute. Smart Balance. Thing is, she didn't use butter every day.
Neither did my Dad. She was talked into buying some expensive butter
substitute "for her health" by her [then] doctor.
