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Default Problem converting volume to weight (flour and cocoa)

Dave Smith wrote:
>I can picture someone using a measuring cup to scoop out flour for
>weighing. Thinking that the 4.2 oz they need is how much a cup of flour
>weighs, they get out their measuring cup, level it off and dump it onto
>the scale. Bingo... 4.2 oz. Voila.... weighing is more accurate. ;-)

On a humid day that 4.2 ounces will consist of less flour and more
water. Professional bakers judge by sight, sound, and feel, not so
much by weight or volume... When a recipe calls for 100 pounds of
flour they tend to hold back about 5 pounds and they'll adjust by
adding some of that bench flour as needed. Baking is really no more
precise an enterprise than cooking.
Keep in mind that flour is made from grain, a produce crop, every
batch/lot is different and behaves differently... a bakery is not a
phamaceutical endeaver.