Problem converting volume to weight (flour and cocoa)
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Problem converting volume to weight (flour and cocoa)
On 2017-04-02 3:23 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Sun, 02 Apr 2017 15:18:32 -0400,
>> Dave Smith wrote:
>>> I can picture someone using a measuring cup to scoop out flour for
>>> weighing. Thinking that the 4.2 oz they need is how much a cup of flour
>>> weighs, they get out their measuring cup, level it off and dump it onto
>>> the scale. Bingo... 4.2 oz. Voila.... weighing is more accurate. ;-)
>> On a humid day that 4.2 ounces will consist of less flour and more
>> water. Professional bakers judge by sight, sound, and feel, not so
>> much by weight or volume... When a recipe calls for 100 pounds of
>> flour they tend to hold back about 5 pounds and they'll adjust by
>> adding some of that bench flour as needed. Baking is really no more
>> precise an enterprise than cooking.
>> Keep in mind that flour is made from grain, a produce crop, every
>> batch/lot is different and behaves differently... a bakery is not a
>> phamaceutical endeaver.
> Sheldon, mills these days analyze the flour output and adjust to make
> it conform to specific standards. This is especially true for large
> baking companies and bakeries that order direct from the mill. These
> companies order by specifications -- so much protein, so much ash,
> etc. These are important components in the success of bakeries
> product output. Flour packaged for the home consumer is also
> subjected to analysis and adjustment so that the consumer can be
> assured of consistent results. Not all white all purpose flour is
> created equal. Not all bread flour is created equal. That is why
> bread bakers recommend certain brands of bread flour to each other --
> certain brands give better results.
> P.S. that argument about flour absorbing water from the air is
> disproved -- unless you are keeping an open bag of flour in a swamp,
> humidity is a non-factor.
> Janet US
Janet, you always write so much sense!!!!! It's a pity people here
appear to ignore you!!!!!!!!!!!
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