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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Problem converting volume to weight (flour and cocoa)

On 2017-04-02 5:23 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:

> Sheldon, mills these days analyze the flour output and adjust to make
> it conform to specific standards. This is especially true for large
> baking companies and bakeries that order direct from the mill. These
> companies order by specifications -- so much protein, so much ash,
> etc. These are important components in the success of bakeries
> product output. Flour packaged for the home consumer is also
> subjected to analysis and adjustment so that the consumer can be
> assured of consistent results. Not all white all purpose flour is
> created equal. Not all bread flour is created equal. That is why
> bread bakers recommend certain brands of bread flour to each other --
> certain brands give better results.

I have to say that I have noticed that some recipes from flour
companies have recipes that call for their flour.

> P.S. that argument about flour absorbing water from the air is
> disproved -- unless you are keeping an open bag of flour in a swamp,
> humidity is a non-factor.

How well do things have to be sealed before ambient humidity becomes an
issue? I only use flour once or twice a week. I keep it it bins. They
have close fitting lids, but they are not air locks. Molecules are very
small and moisture does get into things.