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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Problem converting volume to weight (flour and cocoa)

On 4/2/2017 8:59 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:

>>> Sheldon, mills these days analyze the flour output and adjust to make
>>> it conform to specific standards.

>> Nonsense! Mills deal with grain as it comes from the fields, lot
>> numbers are stamped on the packaging and how it's used is totally up
>> to the bakers. Mills make a small attempt to analyze different wheat
>> crops for protein content but in the end the grain is what it is, they
>> don't make any effort to chemically change it's analysis, that would
>> be highly illegal in the US. However the USDA and major suppliers
>> check for chemfert levels; insecticides and chemical fertilizers. In
>> the US you buy hard wheat, soft wheat, winter wheat, etc. but within
>> parameters that's what you get, however content varies as all crops
>> vary... have you ever seen a Vitamin C content on a bag of oranges at
>> the stupidmarket?

> I'm sorry, but you are very wrong. You think (example) Wonderbread is
> going to risk a couple of train car loads of flour making a mess of a
> week's worth of production? I never said anything about using
> chemicals to change the profile of a flour.
> Janet US

Grinding wheat
The wheat kernels are now ready to be milled into flour. The modern
milling process is a gradual reduction of the wheat kernels through a
process of grinding and sifting. The millers’ skill is analyzing the
wheat and then blending it to meet the requirements of the end use. This
science of analysis, blending, grinding, sifting and blending again
results in consistent end products.

Finished product testing
After milling, lab tests are run to ensure that the flour meets
specifications. Millers also conduct routine monitoring of indicator
natural organisms. Although dry flour does not provide an environment
that is conducive to microbial growth, it is important to understand
that flour is a minimally processed agricultural ingredient and is not a
ready-to-eat product. Flour is not intended to be consumed raw. The heat
processes of baking, frying, boiling and cooking are adequate to destroy
any pathogens that may be present in flour and reduce the potential risk
of food borne illness.