> > The name of the store on the ground floor is KOBEYA.
> > The upstairs is a Chinese restaurant that advertises
> > "Chinese Cuisine", "Sechuan style" and "Peking style".
> If it's since 894, you'd think they'd crow about it!
In general, is such a thing a big deal in Japan? Are there many
shops or businesses claiming to have been around for 100,
200, ... >1000 years? Were there such things as Imperial
charters (cf., UK)?
(In the US, I've heard of some businesses that falsely claim
"Established in xxxx" but get away with it because they call
it a logo rather than an advertisement. In the UK, some old
businesses operated under "Royal Charter" but I don't know
if any of those still exist or if they exist but no longer under
Royal Charter. Some pubs claim to go way back but I don't
know the oldest ones. Elsewhere in Europe, some breweries
or vineyards claim to go back hundreds of years to founding
monks and monasteries.)
How old is sake and do any breweries claim such long histories?
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