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Dave Smith[_1_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 35,884
On 2017-04-03 1:04 PM,
> Chances are you've never boiled more then 3-4 eggs at a time.
> Eggs should be boiled in a single layer, not jammed together, and
> covered by minimally one inch of water, two inches is better. I use a
> particular 6 qt pot because it is wide enough to accomodate 18 eggs in
> one layer without jamming. It requires minimally 4 qts of water to
> cover the eggs by 1 inch of water. If eggs are packed too closely and
> in more than one layer they will click together and some will crack.
You and I are lucky to live where clean fresh water is readily
available. I have a dug well, so it can go dry in the summer, like it
did last year, but I have a cistern so I can get water trucked in if
needed. Living between two Great Lakes, there is likely to be lots of
new fresh water for a long time to come. Other people are not was
lucky. There are places where modern irrigation has pumped ground water
to the point where the aquifer is in danger of not being replenished, or
where the fresh water in the aquifer is being replenished with salt water.
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Dave Smith[_1_]
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