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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default EU boss threates to break up USA ....

On Mon, 3 Apr 2017 15:00:12 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2017-04-03 1:20 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>> On Monday, April 3, 2017 at 12:50:02 AM UTC-10,
>> wrote:

>>> That doesn't work, if you truly regard them as equals, it's no
>>> different than eatng a meal with any friend.

>> I'll chalk this up to cultural differences. Asians got different
>> ideas on how people should conduct themselves. I'm not saying it's
>> superior, just different. White folks just love to tell other people
>> how they should be more like themselves. That's just white folks
>> being white folks.

>Some white cultures have a way of boosting the standard of living for
>themselves and the people they set up governments for. Take a look
>around the world at the most successful countries, those with high
>standards of living, human rights, credible legal systems and
>infrastructures that promote industrial growth. Most of them were
>British colonies.

France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands,
Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland.

>They may have had their faults, but they appear to
>have done better than others. The Germans and Belgiums were pretty
>brutal in their colonies, but perhaps not as bad as the Spanish and

The Germans and the Belgians hardly had any colonies.

>For a culture that is so abhorrent to so many people, there sure are a
>lot of people trying to immigrate to them.

Yes, I don't see the need to idolise Asians. Look at countries where
they're in charge. Look at the poverty and the lack of human rights.

By the way, how do you define Asians? Indians are also Asians, Turks
too. Saudi Arabians too.