Dinner Tonight 4/2/17
On 4/4/2017 8:05 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> There used to be a small Italian restaurant in Berea, OH that served
> an upside down pizza that was really fantastic. All of the topping
> ingredients were layered into a black iron skillet, then topped with
> the pizza dough that was sealed to the edge. Once baked, it was
> brought to the table in the skillet and quickly turned upside down
> onto a large platter. I've seen recipes for upside-down pizza on the
> 'net, but none that appeared to be like this one. Wish I had paid
> attention to how it was made.
Sounds like the result is similar to an open face calzone. Extra points
for the table side service. Could be fun at at pizza night with friends.