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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Posts: 11,730
Default Dinner Tonight 4/2/17

"The Greatest!" wrote in message

> The thing about a Chicago style pizza is that it has the sauce on the top
> crust. I think it would be better to put the sauce in the bottom but I
> don't make the rules, Chicago does.

Most Chicagoans I know disdain Chicago - style's really more of a
"tourist thing"...

My local bakery makes an excellent pan thick(er) - crust pizza, one piece is
enough to sate your Pizza's not "Chicago - style", however.



I think I have said elsewhere, I make only thicker(er) crust pizza so I
suspect, whatever I make might be similar The 'filling' will almost
certainly be very different
