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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default How Come No Lamb?

On 4/5/2017 3:52 PM, wrote:

> Try a fresh ham and you will be converted. The difference between
> fresh and cured ham is like night and day. I enjoy both but for
> dining I much prefer fresh ham. I consider cured ham more a snack
> food than an entree, but mainly a flavoring ingredient.

I've not been converted but they are different. First of all, the ham
is a section of meat from the hogs hind leg. If you don't cure it, the
piece is known as "fresh ham" It is a pork roast. Nothing magical, it
is a tender lean cut of meat, usually fairly large.

What is traditionally just called "ham" is that same cut of meat that is
cured. There are different ways of curing ham but it alters the taste.
Wet cure, dry cure, change the result. Better or worse is subjective.
I like both fresh and cured and one cannot be substituted for the other.