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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Dinner Tonight 4/2/17

On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 10:50:40 AM UTC-10, Sheldon wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
> >
> >I wanted to make a Chicago style pizza that was sorta true to form but let's face it,
> >I have as much chance of making a real one as someone from the mainland making
> >real huli huli chicken.

> Puhleeze... Chicago pizza is really a deep dish caserole made with
> lots of Guido ingredients piled on thick, it's essentially an upside
> down dago pot pie.
> And from what I've read here Huli Huli Chicken ain't much different
> from deli rotisserie chicken, in fact most deli rotisserie chicken is
> much better. Just because yoose cook everything with pineapple
> doesn't make it Hawaiian... pineapple was a reletively recent Central
> American import, there's nothing Hawaiian about pineapple. Hawaii
> really has no native food crop, weren't for coconut and seafood yoose
> would've all starved long ago... and coconut is really seafood, no one
> knows where coconut is native, it's been traveling the world via the
> seas forever. There's no such thing as Hawaiian food other than those
> disgusting taro roots, and that's not native to Hawaii either:
> The only food that Hawaii can lay claim to is their national meat.
> Hormel Spam.

Beats the heck out of me why people have to pose as experts in things they know nothing about. I got a better chance of being a guru on the traditions and foods of Brooklyn than yoose on the subject of anything Hawaiian.

These islands sprang out of the middle of nowhere. Every plant and animal here had to be introduced. Obviously, pineapple and taro was not native to these islands because nothing is. Who cares? The immigrants to these islands brought their foods and traditions when they arrived and we embraced the peoples and their culture. Ain't nobody telling anybody to go back where they came from.