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Default Made Bread Today

U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>I have a recipe for fougasse that has walnuts and Roquefort and it
>surely turns purple. It is one of the cut and open shape fougasse . I
>was just trying to find it and can't. Now I will have to take all my
>bread books down and search. It's time I looked through them again
>anyway, the bread front here is getting boring. So far I've looked
>through Glezer, Reinhart, Ortiz, Clayton, Silverton and Greenstein. I
>think I will start over and look for fougasse instead of looking for
>walnut. Maybe it was a fougasse recipe and variations were the
>walnut/Roquefort. Sorry for the rambling. I hate it when I can't
>find a recipe. This could take days.
>Janet US

Seaching for <walnut> is much to broad, you'd end up with walnut
trees/wood. I searched the obvious <fougasse and walnuts and
roquefort> I found plenty within seconds, King Arther recipes are
usually good so I chose this... feel free to omit the raisins:
Click on the blog for excellent procedure w/photos: