OT.... looking at options
I received a letter from my satellite TV company the other day about how
I need to upgrade my receiver because they are making some changes and
after June one of my old ones would not work anymore. I called to see
about it and was told about a special offer than I could get the new
receiver at a special rate of $149.99 instead of the regular $199.99.
I resisted offering to pay for it and explained that I had subscribed to
something that provided equipment and service and that their changes
should not require me to pay for a new receiver. I also said that the
competition was trying to get me to switch to their service, which was
true. Bell has been trying to get me to bundle my phone internet an d
satellite, and they were offering lower monthly rate, a special
promotional rate and two new receivers. The guy offered to transfer me
to another department that might be able to help but I was running
short on time so I said I would call back.
I had lots of time today so I called that same number back. When the
woman came on line I explained that I had looked at my options and
didn't see paying to upgrade working for me, that I wasn't interested in
paying to upgrade because they are changing. All of a sudden there were
other options. The $150 receiver was now only $100. Even better, a
lifetime free rental, which, she explained, meant that if I stop
subscribing or if they go out of business I have to send the receiver
back. I don't know who I will send it to if they go out of business.
I keep hearing about what some of these companies will do to keep your
business in a competitive market. It sure helped not to fall for the
pitch the first time and to look into the options.