wrote in message news
On Sat, 8 Apr 2017 06:22:06 -0600, graham > wrote:
>On 2017-04-07 11:24 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Fri 07 Apr 2017 08:27:02p, Cheri told us...
>> We have never had a satellite system, nor have we've ever wanted one.
>> We have had Cox Cable for many years, so many years in fact that Cox
>> grandfathered our contract and our monthly fee has not been increased
>> for years. In addition, the condo's hoeowner's association pays for
>> everyone's basic cable, which reduces our bill to next to nothing,
>> including our Internet service. I don't think we pay over $60 per
>> month. We don't subscribe to any of the movie or sports channels,
>> but we have everything else. We have no complaints. Our area has
>> been completely recabled for optical and everything is broadcast in
>> HD. I don't think we could ask for more........
>.......except, perhaps, something worth watching:-)
thats mainly in addition to the bill what made me cut the cable. apart
from severa; pbs and cbc programmes, nada. i also use rabbit ears
(they daintily call them antennae now) and last night because I
couldnt easily reach the remote I watched the tail end of a thing
called survivor. I believe its popular but if thats all there was i
wouldn't even have a tv!
LOL thanks. I have been wondering what in the world 'Rabbit Ears' were!!!
Now 'antennae' I know!