OT.... looking at options
On Sat, 8 Apr 2017 11:33:31 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>On 4/8/2017 9:37 AM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> IMO, since the inception of television, there has always been an
>> ebumdance of flotsam and jetsam being broadcast to satisfy the worst of
>> taste in the population. However, on both broadcast, cable, and
>> satellite television. OTOH, there has always been sufficient high
>> quality programming to satisfy those of us with more discerning taste.
>> We watch something when we consider it worth watching, otherwise not.
>I was just discussing TV with my wife yesterday. Thousands of years ago
>there was the plotting of the planets and their orbits at different
>times of the year. The constellations were known, the ancients built
>monuments to the sun at the equinox.
>I have to wonder, if TV was available thousands of years ago, would
>mankind have observed so many changes in the solar system or would they
>be more interested in the latest episode of "Days of Our Lives"?
>There are many good shows that enhance our lives, but there is a much
>bigger sarving of crap on every night.
I've no problem because I can only watch one program at a time... a
handful of decent stations works for me so I tape/DVR the ones I want
to watch later. My wife and I watch mostly different programs, she
likes weird SciFi, faux survival, golf, gold mining in Alaska, and
soap opera type romance shows, I prefer Nat Geo, any animal/gardening
programs, some foodtv, and boxing. We both watch local news and cable
news. We used to enjoy late night comedy shows but without Leno we
don't bother, the newbies are awful... Conan used to be funny but now
he sucks. Years ago I watched a lot more TV, back when there was
Jackie Gleason (the Real Great One), Archie Bunker, Bonanza... I think
TV was much more entertaining in the days before color. I don't like
any of today's hollywood types, no one knows to sing anymore, rap is
disgusting trash, and what they pass off as attractive makes a baboon
a beauty star... there are no more pinups I'd want in my locker, not a
one. Compared to Lana Turner Melania Trump is a dog... I don't find
Melania attractive at all, she's no Sofia Loren. The Donald is a nice
NYC guy (for Queens) but he needs to make an appointment with a
Brooklyn Optomologist, he marries some ugli women.