Thread: Dunkin' Donuts
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Dunkin' Donuts

On 2017-04-09 2:24 AM, Bruce wrote:

>>>> As a former professional donut maker, I can understand why too! Donuts are NOT a "fast food"! Long process to make the dough, properly "handle" it, then yeast raised donuts need time to "proof" or rise, then frying them, cooling and decorating as necessary.
>>>> People would come into the shop I worked at and ask "So when are you gonna have more ..."? when we'd be out of something they wanted and we'd have to tell them "tomorrow"!
>>> You might want to distinguish between the real product -that you
>>> describe- and the fast food version.

>> I think I just did!

> You could have fooled me.

Donuts are not fast foods because the dough has to sit for a while and
rise? McDonalds burgers would not qualify either because the dough for
the buns has to rise. It also takes time to raise the cows or whatever
it is that goes into their burgers.