Thread: Dunkin' Donuts
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Default Dunkin' Donuts

On Sun, 9 Apr 2017 09:08:47 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2017-04-09 2:24 AM, Bruce wrote:
>>>>> As a former professional donut maker, I can understand why too! Donuts are NOT a "fast food"! Long process to make the dough, properly "handle" it, then yeast raised donuts need time to "proof" or rise, then frying them, cooling and decorating as necessary.
>>>>> People would come into the shop I worked at and ask "So when are you gonna have more ..."? when we'd be out of something they wanted and we'd have to tell them "tomorrow"!
>>>> You might want to distinguish between the real product -that you
>>>> describe- and the fast food version.
>>> I think I just did!

>> You could have fooled me.

>Donuts are not fast foods because the dough has to sit for a while and
>rise? McDonalds burgers would not qualify either because the dough for
>the buns has to rise. It also takes time to raise the cows or whatever
>it is that goes into their burgers.

Fast food has not a whit to do with ingredients, has all to do with
fast service.