Thread: Wine tasting
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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default Wine tasting

On Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 12:24:55 PM UTC-7, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> A local liquor store (Friendly Discount Liquor) in Northbridge MA has
> various events every couple of weeks. Yesterday was the Spring Wine
> Tasting. It was much more than I was expecting.
> They had 17 tables manned by the distributors of the wines and each had
> a variety to choose from. You could have tasted 78 different items.
> All were on sale and prices ranged mostly $10 to $15 with some
> exceptions. They also had complimentary sandwiches, cheese platters,
> fruits, etc.
> When you went in, they gave you a booklet listing each table and the
> wines offered. Also tasting notes on the wine. You also had a number
> and if you wanted to buy a wine, they put a sticker on the bottle with
> your number and they were all ready for you when you wanted to leave.
> Very efficient and you did not have to carry the bottles around.
> This was free but they do have some things you pay for, like Oyster and
> wine pairing. At $10 it is probably a good deal too.
> It was a nice way to spend a couple of hours and stock up the cellar.

You can get into trouble if you don't spit. Especially at a large wine tasting. What did you wind up buying?