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Default Can a cast iron griddle be . . . .

On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 10:48:54 -0700 (PDT),

>I use cast iron almost exclusively, but I'd be really afraid to use it on a glass surface because of its weight. Even if I had a glass cook surface, I'd still like the cast iron for baking and on my outside gas grill. Right now I have a whole stuffed chicken on a small rack in my largest cast iron fry pan in the oven. When it's done I'll pour out the fat and make gravy with the sticky bits, in the same pan, on the stovetop. I've used my cast iron pans so often their as easy to clean as Teflon.
>Denise in NH

no need to be afraid, even when roasting i bring the pan out on top to
do basting etc. never occurred to me to worry and it;s going on 11
years now.