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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default What's for Dinner 4/9/2017

On Wed, 12 Apr 2017 16:04:57 -0400, wrote:

>On Wed, 12 Apr 2017 20:24:52 +1000, Bruce >
>>On Wed, 12 Apr 2017 08:46:46 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>>>"dsi1" wrote in message
>>>The first time I had fish & chips was in the late 60's. I was at the
>>>neighbor's house across the street and the mom bought some from the new H.
>>>Salt Esq. that had opened up in Kailua town. I thought it was pretty good.
>>>This most humble fare of the Brits needed a touch of pretentious classiness
>>>in order to be sold to the yanks. Oddly enough, we were listening to "Their
>>>Satanic Majesties Request" at the time.
>>>Today, if I want some Brit style fish & chips, I go to Hot Dog on a Stick.
>>>I'm more likely to have the fish with battered zucchini though and if I want
>>>malt vinegar on it, I'll have to bring my own bottle. Oh nooo!
>>>Is the lemon I see lurking in the corner??? and Mayonaisse????

>>Chips without mayo is a waste of chips.

>I don't even want ketchup on fries, makes them soggy and cold... just
>a little salt works for me. Mayo on fries makes no sense, something
>deep fried coated with extra grease... DOH... reminds me of that
>Canadian poutang. Good fries really need nothing more than a side of
>brewski. I don't want fast food style fries anyway, they are too
>skinny, I like chunky ripple cut fries. I don't want any UK fish, I
>despise breaded/battered. To me fries belong with red meat, never
>with seafood.... breaded seafood with chips/fries each adds insult and
>injury to the other.

I'm starting to understand y'all don't know how to make good fries.
You make them soggy and greasy or you get those very unfrench fries
from MacDonalds. I wouldn't add mayo to soggy, greasy fries either.