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Default Easter Dinner 2017

Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>jmcquown wrote:
>>Sqwertz wrote:
>>>U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>>> How about you? What are you preparing for the holiday?
>>> If I can find a cleaned bunny rabbit, I'll probably cook that. But I
>>> usually don't see them come into stores until the week after Easter

>> You're gonna kill the Easter Bunny? I can find farmed rabbit,
>> cleaned, cut up, in the freezer section. At the price of over $20 for a
>> couple of pounds of rabbit (with bones), I wouldn't bother. Farmed
>> rabbit really does taste like chicken.

>My wife likes and we have it maybe once a year. IMO, it is just very
>expensive chicken.
>If I lived in the forest, rabbit would be a good source of meat. At the
>supermarket, there are better choices, such as chicken on sale for 99
>cents a pound. .

The feral cats enjoy a lot of fresh bunny for free... I've not seen a
wabbit here for two years... Elmer Fudd should retire his shot gun and
start caring for feral cats.
I cooked a lot of rabbit aboard ship, no different from chicken.