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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default What's for Dinner 4/9/2017

"Wayne Boatwright" wrote in message

On Thu 13 Apr 2017 09:21:34a, Ophelia told us...

> "Wayne Boatwright" wrote in message
> 9.45...
> On Thu 13 Apr 2017 08:24:56a, Ophelia told us...
>> "jmcquown" wrote in message news >>
>> On 4/13/2017 10:38 AM, Ophelia wrote un reply to Wayne:
>>> I rarely eat fries unless it's with a hamburger (in that case
>>> fries dipped in catsup), or fish and chips (in that casee fries
>>> with salt and malt vinegar). There is a large amausement park in
>>> NE Ohio call Cedar Point. I first went there in the mid-1950s
>>> and they were serving fries with salt and malt vinegar. It
>>> certainly wasn't common in the US back then, but has become very
>>> popular over the years.
>>> Wayne Boatwright
>>> ==
>>> I guess good stuff travels <g>

>> It does indeed! I remember tasting malt vinegar on fries when I
>> was 11 years old. (I did happen to be living on the *other side*
>> of the state of Ohio at the time, although that's irrelevant.) My
>> mother, brother and me went to visit a great aunt on the Canadian
>> side of Niagara Falls.
>> We bought and ate fish & chips along the wharf, served in a
>> rolled up
>> newspaper. The man selling the fish & chips drizzled it with malt
>> vinegar. I can honestly say, no fish & chips I've ever been
>> served, anywhere, ever tasted that good.
>> Jill
>> ===
>> I am very pleased to hear that A pity others are not so open
>> minded

> Back in the 1970s there was a fast food chain called Arthur
> Treacher's Fish and Chips. It in no way was representative of what
> real fish and chips taste like, but they did have the malt vinegar.
>:-) I have found a couple of restaurants in Phoenix that serve a
> really decent English style fish and chips. We also have two

> pubs that serve mostly traditional pub fare. Both are run by

> families and the food I've had tastes as good as any I've had in
> England.
> Wayne Boatwright
> ===
> Very nice))))

Yes, O, and I can even find things on the menu that David will eat.
He especially likes Shepherd's Pie, and believe it or not, Scotch
Eggs. :-)

Wayne Boatwright


You could be living in the wrong place ... <g>
