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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Can a cast iron griddle be . . . .

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On Fri, 14 Apr 2017 10:33:00 -0700, "Cheri" >

> wrote in message
>> Cheri wrote:
>>>I had gas piped to the stove andreplaced the electric with
>>>a gas stovetop which I have been happy with. For myself,
>>>I did prefer ovens with the bare element because they
>>>heated faster and also when they did burn out, I
>>>could replace it myself. In the new one, no way.

>> Since you replaced the stove top with gas why not the oven too?
>> Gas is the less expensive fuel and it's typically the oven that uses
>> more fuel than cook tops,

>Because I like an electric oven and a gas stovetop. I have had gas ovens in
>the old days, and I know they are very much improved these days, no pilot
>etc., but electric oven works for me so no reason to change.

Are you saying you still have your electric stove just for the oven...
if so I would have gotten a gas stove. It's been a very long time
since gas stoves had pilot lights. Having two separate appliances
makes no sense to me... what's there to like better about an electric
oven, unless you like higher electric bills.


Why? I have a gas hob and two wall ovens. It is what suits me.
