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Default Can a cast iron griddle be . . . .

On Fri, 14 Apr 2017 20:10:26 +0100, "Ophelia" >

>wrote in message ...
>On Fri, 14 Apr 2017 10:33:00 -0700, "Cheri" >
> wrote in message
>>> Cheri wrote:
>>>>I had gas piped to the stove andreplaced the electric with
>>>>a gas stovetop which I have been happy with. For myself,
>>>>I did prefer ovens with the bare element because they
>>>>heated faster and also when they did burn out, I
>>>>could replace it myself. In the new one, no way.
>>> Since you replaced the stove top with gas why not the oven too?
>>> Gas is the less expensive fuel and it's typically the oven that uses
>>> more fuel than cook tops,

>>Because I like an electric oven and a gas stovetop. I have had gas ovens in
>>the old days, and I know they are very much improved these days, no pilot
>>etc., but electric oven works for me so no reason to change.

>Are you saying you still have your electric stove just for the oven...
>if so I would have gotten a gas stove. It's been a very long time
>since gas stoves had pilot lights. Having two separate appliances
>makes no sense to me... what's there to like better about an electric
>oven, unless you like higher electric bills.
>Why? I have a gas hob and two wall ovens. It is what suits me.

That's fine... you have a gas countertop hob and two gas wall ovens.
But she didn't say anything about having electric wall ovens, she said
electric stove... a stove is a combination of oven and top burners. It
makes not a whit of sense to install a gas countertop hob (like yours)
and keep an old electric stove just for its electric oven. A normal
person would have gotten rid of the old electric stove and replaced it
with a gas stove. There is absolutely no benefit to an electric oven
over a gas oven... however an electric oven costs some 30% more to
operate over a gas oven.