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Default Can a cast iron griddle be . . . .

On Sat, 15 Apr 2017 09:01:11 -0400, Nancy Young
> wrote:

>On 4/15/2017 1:18 AM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Fri 14 Apr 2017 04:51:48p, Cheri told us...

>>> just didn't want to bother. On mine, I can't turn off the door
>>> open beep and it really doesn't give much time before it beeps and
>>> starts flashing open door. I don't mind the reach temp beep, but I
>>> got along fine without that too.

>> That open door beep would seriously bother me! Likewise with
>> refrigerator and freezer doors. They might make sense if you have
>> kids of a certain age, but unless I'm senile, I'm going to know when
>> any of the doors are ajar. If I'm senile, I shouldn't be cooking.

>We stayed at a place a few weeks ago. At some point there started
>to be a beep about every minute. You know how it is, stand over
>here and it sounds like it's over there. And vice versa. Is it
>the smoke detector? No. Microwave? No.
>Drove us crazy.
>Next morning at some point it stopped. Whew. Then it was back.
>Notified the front desk and got a voice mail during the day that
>it was fixed. Thank you.
>Later ... beep. Are you kidding me with this beep? Then I said
>The dishwasher! I put something in the dishwasher. So if you
>don't push the door all the way closed, it beeps. Grrr.

A couple weeks ago I was home alone for two days. On teh second night
I just got into bed and I hear a cricket start chirping, okay, quite
common here and wouldn't go long before one of the cats gets it, but
this time the cats weren't interested. An hour passed and and still
it was chirping so I got a flashlight to look around, seemed to be
from teh basbord heating on the wall behind the big TV. I looked and
looked and saw nothing so I decidedto get a can of bug spray and
carefull pray into the baseboard heater. I got back into bed and
waited but it just kept chirping and finally I fell asleep. In the
morning I looked more carefully and there it was, the little light on
the battery back-up was blinking and that's when I realized the
battery was dying so I unplugged it and no more chirping. I plugged
the TV directly into the outlet. Those were the most realistic
cricket chirps ever, sure fooled me, I even sprayed with bug killer.
When I called APC to order a new battery I told them to come up with a
different sound. I had that unit seven years, now they rather send a
whole new updated unit instead of just the battery.... all I had to do
was send the old unit back and pay $50... a new no-name battery at
Amazon was more than $30 and only a 1 year warranty. I got a whole
new unit with their own new battery, it arrived two days later and the
unit is slightly smaller, has more features, and is warranteed for
five years. I'll never forget that cricket. I should have realized
when the cats ignored it, ordinarily they would be vigilent all night
until they got it.