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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Can a cast iron griddle be . . . .

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Gary wrote:
>lucretiaborgia wrote:
>> may i sayone more time - i have cast iron and a glass top - both are
>> perfectly compatible - that's fact!!!!! not what 'i think'

>Forget the stove vs cast iron for now, my friend.
>I do have a question for you....
>I just wonder WHY you still use the cast iron?
>It's heavy stuff and annoying to use (imo).
>I'm a young enough strong guy and I've always hated
>the weight of the pans. I gave all of mine to my
>daughter several months ago.
>I cast off my cast iron pans. Good riddance.
>That's all people had 150 years ago.
>I do fine with my lightweight stainless steel pans now.
>Never had a problem cooking with them.

People began using cast iron cookware because a hundred years ago
that's all there was for such a low price and they were passed down,
copper was too pricey and still is for most people, also requires
care. Nowadays many people still can't bring themselves to spend the
bucks for decent stainless steel or even carbon steel if they need
seasoned pans. I gave away all my cast iron cookware some 40 years
ago. Carbon steel skillets are excellent, and don't cost much, even
the Chinese were smart enough to get rid of cast iron woks and go to
carbon steel. Carbon steel lets one cook plenty hot, are seasoned
just like cast iron and using them won't make you feel like you're at
Gold's Gym.


My favourite pans are made by Woll. They are like cast iron but they are
not) Hmm someone else here uses them and can probably tell you more about
them. I just know they are my favourite and I've had them approx 20 years
if memory serves. I have a variety of other pans which I love too, but
they are my favourite.
