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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Cleaning cookie sheet?

wrote in message ...

On Sun, 16 Apr 2017 12:39:00 +0100, "Ophelia" >

>wrote in message ...
>On Sun, 16 Apr 2017 10:17:49 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>>"Cheri" wrote in message news >>
>>"jmcquown" > wrote in message
>>> On 4/15/2017 5:37 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>> "jmcquown" wrote in message news >>>>
>>>> On 4/15/2017 12:22 PM, S Viemeister wrote:
>>>>> On 4/15/2017 12:06 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>>>> Well, to be serious for a minutes, until very recently I could
>>>>>> understand my
>>>>>> husband asking such questions. As it happens, he is doing all the
>>>>>> cooking
>>>>>> etc at the moment, but with my advice and guidance. Without it he
>>>>>> might
>>>>>> well be in KenK's position. But so what??? Someone needs help ...
>>>>>> they
>>>>>> need help!!!
>>>>> After a health scare a few years ago, I started teaching Himself basic
>>>>> cooking, and adding his favourite dishes to the family cookbook (which
>>>>> has _very_ detailed instructions). He's getting pretty good, although
>>>>> he
>>>>> doesn't yet experiment.
>>>>> I wanted to make sure that if he were to be left on his own, he'd
>>>>> still
>>>>> be able to eat well.
>>>> I would think so! It's got to be difficult for a man who has been
>>>> served by and cooked for by a woman (mother, grandmother, aunt, nanny,
>>>> wife) most of his life to suddenly be on their own. At a young age
>>>> boys
>>>> should at the very lease know how to make eggs and toast.
>>>> Jill
>>>> ==
>>>> I suppose the problem here is that I love to cook so whether he has
>>>> ever
>>>> wanted to cook, I don't know He never really had the chance.
>>> It's not a matter of loving to cook. KenK said he never really had to.
>>> Now he's trying to figure it out. I'm all for teaching men the basics
>>> so
>>> they can subsist after their wife dies. The alternative is hiring a
>>> housekeeper. Or remarrying... at the age of 82.
>>> Jill

>>Heck, he might have several older women lusting after him with pots and
>>in hand ready to make him a meal, you just never know.
>>Yes, you do hear about that from widowers)

>as a widow i hear constant complaints that the brigade of casserole
>ladies is defunct ! I don't know why it took so long, after a long
>marriage why/how would youswitch horses. no, nowadays there is a
>lineup of males wanting to replace the excellent
>cook/housekeeper/mate/carer but they complain there are no more takers
> the times they have changed.
>It was you who told me about widows chasing widowers
>All stopped now then eh? Jolly good)

are you sure it wasn't widowers chasing widows? there's plenty of

Dunno really. It is what I thought you had said. Chasing them with
casseroles or something rings a bell?

The only one I know is at bridge who stands out as the only one
looking, hasn't brought her much happiness. i even asked her once
why, she said somehow she feels incomplete going to a party on her
own! one of these star men was even shoving her around and lucky for
her a person in the next condo heard and called police. That was a
wooden condo building, it's solid comcrete here!

Ewwwww((( She is off her trolley allowing herself to be
