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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Can a cast iron griddle be . . . .

"jmcquown" wrote in message news
On 4/16/2017 7:40 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> wrote in message ...
> On Sat, 15 Apr 2017 17:45:50 -0700 (PDT), dsi1 >
> wrote:
>> I have a couple of NTTP server accounts too. I don't use it much these
>> days because I mostly use a Chromebook. There's not much point in
>> using an NNTP app with the Chromebook since Google Groups works so well.
>> As far as you requesting that I change the way I post so you can get
>> your precious line wrapping - that's pure vanity on your part. You
>> could pretty much solve all your problems by simply switching to
>> Google Groups. That Agent client program reminds me of the bad old
>> days of computing. We live in the new world and I shall not
>> desperately cling to the past.

> I was not suggesting you change, merely pointing out that you think
> you are so smart and modern when the reality is you're not.
> ==
> Yes he is! ;-) He investigates all the modern stuff and I like it)
> Please don't be so mean

I didn't see anything mean about it. WHEN he buys all these new
technologies and uses them for years and can *prove* they are better,
greater, whatever... Perhaps I'll buy into his claims.

Google Groups sucks. Google is a good search engine, but personally, I
don't want Google to take over the world. When did this turn into a
discussion about NNTP vs. web technology? I thought we were talking
about griddles and stoves.

I don't want to get my food from a freakin' 3-D printer or a Star Trek
food replicator. dsl1 doesn't seem to cook but he does love to yap (and
yap and yap again) about technology. Sorry, I changed that channel a
long time ago. Thought this was about cast iron griddles, not about
promoting Google.

Hopefully you don't think my reasons for finding dsl1's posts specious
are "mean". They simply don't make any sense, especially not in any
food related context.



Jill, when you close down, how much of it upsets you? You have a good life
and I doubt this bothers you so much when you are not here?

Are you worrying about it all night until you log in again???

I just get so sick of it. I am trying to take each day as it comes.

I have enough problems in my life atm.

Up to you, but I won't be joining in. It is all getting too childish for

I really had thought you were back on board with a friendly approach to

No matter. Your choice.
