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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Cleaning cookie sheet?

On 4/16/2017 11:49 AM, wrote:

>>>> Heck, he might have several older women lusting after him with pots and
>>>> pans
>>>> in hand ready to make him a meal, you just never know.
>>>> Cheri
>>>> ===
>>>> Yes, you do hear about that from widowers)
>>> as a widow i hear constant complaints that the brigade of casserole
>>> ladies is defunct ! I don't know why it took so long, after a long
>>> marriage why/how would youswitch horses. no, nowadays there is a
>>> lineup of males wanting to replace the excellent
>>> cook/housekeeper/mate/carer but they complain there are no more takers
>>> the times they have changed.

>> Well, where I am, the older single/widowed women are always on the lookout
>> for a single elder gentleman. Personally, I would not be, but at the couple
>> of clubs I belong to, they definitely are.
>> Cheri

> round here the casserole ladies have mostly expired. those under 90
> are not interested. thinking back a good friend died years ago, early
> 70s and at that point the bank wanted to cancel the visa card (still
> called chargex then) and most were surprised that she could and would
> continue driving etc. So there was a time when wives were very
> dependent i suppose but I rarely see it today.

I'm 71 and know a few women my age that never drove. My parent's
generation had very few women drivers, maybe 5% or so and very few
worked too.

Life was different back then. One income could support a family, one
car was sufficient for most families in urban areas with buses readily
available. Women could walk to the grocery while the kids were in school.

I'm still old fashion with some things. If you have kids, can get by on
one income, the kids should be raised by parents, not a daycare warehouse.