On 2017-04-18 4:31 PM, Bruce wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Apr 2017 09:28:10 -0400, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>> On 2017-04-18 6:20 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 1:29:07 AM UTC-4, Bruce wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 17 Apr 2017 22:55:00 -0400, wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 18 Apr 2017 11:55:53 +1000, Bruce >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 17 Apr 2017 18:08:09 -0700, Leonard Blaisdell
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> Ah, yes! Old style freon. That would be F-11, F-12 and the rest of the
>>>>>>> chlorofluorocarbons. I lost my aerosol chemist career in 1977 because
>>>>>>> of government promoted fears that they caused global --cooling--!
>>>>>>> It was quite the fright. Time Magazine had it on the cover! Look it up.
>>>>>>> Now purely government funded research promotes global warming for us to
>>>>>>> froth over. I'm cynical. Ninety eight percent of climatologists agree
>>>>>>> with the current hysteria.
>>>>>> Hmmm... 98% of scientists versus Leonard Blaisdell. Who to believe?
>>>>>> Decisions, decisions.
>>>>> We have miniscule control over our climate considering climate is
>>>>> dependant on solar activity... to date no one has come up with a
>>>>> method to control solar activity, which is a good thing or some nut
>>>>> would destroy everything. The best we can do is heat our homes on
>>>>> cold days and cool our homes on hot days... outdoors we can dress more
>>>>> warmly in winter, or find a shady spot in summer. The only climatic
>>>>> control we can enforce is the level of polution, and that is totally
>>>>> dependant on population...
>>>> There are more ways to control pollution. Even the Chinese have begin
>>>> to realise that. Unfortunately you have a president who doesn't.
>>> The President has relatively little control over what happens in this
>>> country, by design.
>>> Place your blame on Americans (like me) who want bigass SUVs,
>>> air-conditioning, and beef. (Although I don't actually eat very
>>> much beef.) Let's also include the corn industry, who have
>>> managed to introduce their products into the food supply at
>>> every level.
>> I wonder what kind of SUVs that had that caused the the reversal of the
>> last Ice Age. About 15,000 years ago the glaciers extended almost to my
>> back yard. Just a mile north of me is a kame, a pile of sand and gravel
>> that was deposited there by the glacier.
> Just because natural climate changes occur, doesn't mean the current
> one isn't caused by man.
That may be true, but one of the things they are pointing out is the
receding polar ice cap. It has been receding for 15,000 years. There
have been several ice ages, and they happened without the intervention
of man. Or.... maybe former societies causes climate change that let
to the receding ice caps which then recovered.