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Default Home Remedies

U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>Nancy2 wrote:
>>Sorry, Sanne...check with your favorite silver expert, not a home remedy expert.

>I checked, he's correct.
>The rubbing polish takes away silver. The soaking in the home made
>liquid (I found it under the University of Wisconsin) changes the
>chemical structure back to silver.

True... any form of polishing removes metal by abrasion. That
homemade solution works faster in an ultrasonic cleaner... the
aluminum foil causes the tarnish to redeposit by electrolytic action.
However that solution won't remove scratches and may produce a matte
finish that will require careful polishing with jeweler's rouge.
Whenever trying a new application on precious metal it's wise to run a
test on a piece you don't care about.
The darkened areas on old x-ray film is silver oxide, there are
companies that reclaim that silver, however most x-rays are now
digital, no film.... no more light boxes, now digitized x-rays are
displayed in HD on large screen monitors.